Monday, 9 April 2012

Painting With Light

This photo was a lot of fun because I had never really tried anything like this before. It took a while to get used to shooting in the dark, as well as learning different techniques you could use in order to get a different photo. Here is my model Vanessa as an alien. I used my Canon Rebel XS with a shutter speed of 30 seconds and an aperture of 5.6. I think this photo is unique, and has an interesting effect with the blue light. As you can see, I learned that holding the light in one spot for a long period of time created a cool effect which looks like stars. This was difficult because I had to keep my hand still, but had to keep moving my body to avoid being in the photo. I initially used the blue light to shade in Vanessa so I could see my subject, and then added the extra things like stars and her cute antenna's. I think this photo turned out really well and I had fun with this project. Now you know Vanessa's an alien, but that's a secret...SHH.

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